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Herzlich willkommen auf den Seiten von Firma NG Wellness System - Spa & Wellness Products in Deutschland, Poland, Slovakia, Österreich. 

 NG Wellness System home D E POL  Introduction l Indication for use l Dead Sea Salt l Salt Therapy l Why Salt Cave l General description l Benefits l Expand your busines l Gallery l Corporate Programs l Kontakt Salzgrotte Saltcave Grota solna
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Salzgrotte Saltcave Grota solna

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NG Wellness System - Salzgrotte bildergalerie | Saltcave gallery




NG Wellness System - Salzgrotte bildergalerie | Saltcave gallery


 NG Wellness System home D E POL  Introduction l Indication for use l Dead Sea Salt l Salt Therapy l Why Salt Cave l General description l Benefits l Expand your busines l Gallery l Corporate Programs l Kontakt

Salzgrotte Saltcave Grota solnaNowadays powerful development of pharmacology and industrial production of medicines encouraged growth of treatment by medication. Simplicity of application, availability and rapid effect provided priority of pharmacotherapy. However, together with therapeutic effect, medicines can cause pathologic conditions that are connected with side effects.
Many allergic conditions and autoimmunal processes are caused by medicines. Furthermore treatment by medication does not restore the own defense mechanisms of the body. This point of view makes physicians turn back to the experience of natural healing factors and carry out investigations in order to find medication-free treatment methods.

Halotherapy ("halos" in Greek means salt) is one of such methods. Halotherapy is the mode of treatments in a controlled air medium that simulates a natural salt cave microclimate.

Treatment in natural salt cave (speleotherapy) has been known for a long time. The efficacy of speleotherapy is associated with the unique cave microclimate. The natural dry sodium chloride aerosol is the major curative factor of the cave microclimate. It is formed by the convective diffusion from salt walls. Other factors such as comfortable temperature and humidity regime, the hypobacterial and allergen-free air environment saturated with aero ions enhance the therapeutic effect.

A suggestion that it is the air saturated with salt dust that causes the main curative effect in the speleotherapy of patients with respiratory diseases was first formulated by a Polish physician F.Bochkowsky in 1843. Salt mines are known to be used for therapeutic purposes in many countries, such as Austria (Solzbad-Salzeman), Rumania (Sieged), Poland (Wieliczka), Azerbaijan (Nakhichevan), Kirgizia (Chon-Tous), the Ukraine: Solotvino, (Carpathians); Artiomovsk (Donietsk region) and others.

Speleotherapy has been acknowledged as a highly effective medication-free treatment method. It is assumed that during the treatment, the organism adapts to the specific features of the microclimate and alters all its functional systems.

However adaptation of the patients who came from different climate areas, travel and transport problems, and limited number of beds kept back its wide spreading. So NG Wellness System Salt Caves worked out.

NG Wellness System Salt Caves is the method of natural therapy, which takes from Speleotherapy the main healing factor - aero dispersed environment saturated with natural sodium chloride aerosol.
Salzgrotte, Salt cave - Indication for use "
To relieve the symptoms of the following conditions:

chronic bronchitis
breathlessness, chest tightness
pneumonia after acute stage
bronchiectatic disease
coughs (particularly at night or after exercise)
smoker's cough (including secondary smoke)
cough with viscous sputum discharging with difficulties
dry, paroxysmal cough with distant rates
dry rales (mostly with low tone) changing its localization during auscultation
mucus plugs
mucosal edema
colds and influenza
rhinitis and respiratory allergies
allergies to industrial and household pollutants
frequent acute disorders of respiratory tract
respiratory infections
multi-chemical sensitivity syndrome
eczema, psoriasis Salzgrotte Saltcave Grota solna

Salt cave NG Wellness System on the base of active sea components is the newest, original method of application of salt from the Dead Sea in prophylaxis, treatment and recreation.

In the cave there is unique microclimate, marked with exceptional bacteriological cleanliness, proper humidity and temperature, which has beneficial influence on mood and health of the adults and children. Apart from advantageous negative ionization, the air in the cave includes: iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, bromine, which are essential for proper organism function. The sessions are held on the comfortable deckchairs, accompanied by properly chosen music, which helps to relax and calm down. Improvement of health and mood is noticeable after a few endeavours.

One hour in the salt cave with the salt from the Dead Sea is equivalent to three days at the seaside. Stay in the salt cave aids treatment of many illnesses, like: respiratory tract (chronic catharal inflammation of nose, throat and larynx, bronchical asthma, chronic inflammation of bronchi and lungs, dust disease), underproduction of hyperthyroidism, metabolic disturbances, vessels and heart disease (malfunctioning of blood circulation, states before heart attacks, hypertension), dermatological disease (psoriaris, dernatitis, allergy), malfunction of periferal nervous system (neurosis, state of fatigue, decline resistance to stress), duodenal and gastric ulcer, gastritis, inflammation of large intestin and many others.

Minerals from the Dead Sea have extremely positive effect on overal function of human body. Used systematically it improves perfusion in skin and makes it better filled with the oxygen and nutritive agents.

They improve the condition of elastine and collagen fibres, the tension and flexibility of skin. Apart from cleansing thoroughly it is soothing and supports the ability to eliminate toxic substances. Clinical tests proved that minerals from the Dead Sea included in the salt guarantee long-lasting skin moisturizing and have positive and strenghtening effect on blood vessels. Contraindication is only overproduction of hyperthyroidism, kidneys diseases, tuberculosis, claustrophobia.

The salt cave is equiped with the system of special radiators on various frequencies in four colours (blue, red, orange and green). Each of the radiators emits light which has positive influence on our body: the red light accelerates metabolism in cells, clears blood, improves function of digestive system, eliminates tiredness; the yellow light cleans skin, reduces wrinkles and facilitates falling asleep; the green light calms down but in the same time adds energy, eliminates tiredness, recommended for people suffering from hypertension; the blue light relaxes, calms down, eliminates muscles' tension, facilitates falling asleep.

On the borderland between Izrael and Jordan unusual nook of the world and unique inland salt lake, traditionally called the Dead Sea, is located.This is the lowest situated water reservoir in the world (410 metres below sea level), known and prized for a long time. Healthy virtues of crystal salt from this region were appreciated even by Cleopatra, who established first cosmetic and pharmaceutic factory providing her with saline specimen.
Today natural resources from the Dead Sea are successfully used not only in cosmetic industry but also in medicine. A lot of famous cosmetic and medical companies specialized in the production of specimen based on the minerals from the Dead Sea, one of them is NG Wellness System. Salt from the Dead Sea (extracted in a natural way by evaporation of sea water) thanks to high concentration of minerals and trace elements is rated among the most precious sources of beauty and health.

The Dead Sea reservoir, having rare chemical composition of water, is marked by ten times higher concentration of minerals and trace elements than any other sea water and 8 times higher salinity than the Mediterranean Sea, Pacific, Atlantic or the Black Sea.

NEWSWEEK 25/2004 20.06.04 Seite 72
Artikeltitel: Wohin für die Gesundheit? - SALZGROTTE

"Wir zeigen Orte, wo es sich lohnt, Urlaub zu machen um schöner und erholter auszusehen. Ermüdet von dem städtischen Lärm, in pausenloser Rennerei träumen wir im Sommer davon, an einem gemütlichen Ort innezuhalten und unsere Kräfte wieder herzustellen. Wir möchten nicht nur das innere Gleichgewicht erreichen, sondern auch das Aussehen auf Vordermann bringen und ein paar überflüssige Pfunde loswerden. Man kann versuchen, es in den Wellness-Zentren zu erreichen

Zakupy, Upominki, Prezenty, Kosmetyki, Spa, Prefumy, Spa w Polsce, Spa polska
Die Salzgrotte NG Wellness System ist eine neue, originelle Methode, die auf Basis von aktiven Meersalzwirkstoffen aus dem Toten Meer, prophylaktisch, heilend und erholend wirkt.

 In der Salzgrotte herrscht ein einmaliges Mikroklima mit besonderer bakteriologischen Sauberkeit, entsprechender Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur. Er wirkt sich positiv auf das Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit von Erwachsenen und Kindern aus. Außer der für den Menschen vorteilhaften negativen Ionisation, enthält die Luft auch Jod, Magnesium, Kalzium, Kalium, Natrium und Brom, die unentbehrlich zum richtigen Funktionieren des Organismus sind.

Die Salzgrotte NG Wellness System besitzt ein Strahlungssystem mit verschiedenen Frequenzen, die vielfarbiges Licht emitieren (blau, rot, orange, grün) und einen positiven Einfluss auf unseren Körper haben.

-rotes Licht beschleunigt den Stoffwechsel in den Zellen, reinigt das Blut, verbessert das Verdauungssystem und beseitigt die Müdigkeit.

-orangenes Licht reinigt die Haut, reduziert die Falten und erleichtert das Einschlafen

-grünes Licht beruhigt, gibt aber mehr Energie, beseitigt die Müdigkeit und ist Menschen mit Bluthochdruck besonders zu empfehlen

-blaues Licht relaxt, beruhigt, beseitigt die Muskelverspannung und erleichtert das Einschlafen

-gelbes Licht macht heiter, hilft bei Verdauungsstőrungen (Durchfall, Brechreiz)

In der Salzgrotte liegen Sie auf bequemen Liegestühlen und hören eine speziell ausgesuchte Musik, die Ihnen hilft sich zu entspannen und das einzigartige Klima zu genießen.

Die Verbesserung der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens ist schon nach wenigen Behandlungen spürbar. Eine einstündige Inhalation in der Salzgrote mit Salz aus dem Toten Meer entspricht einem dreitägigen Aufenthalt am Meer. Salzgrotte Saltcave Grota solna



Herzlich willkommen auf den Seiten von Firma NG Wellness System - Spa & Wellness Products in Deutschland, Poland, Slovakia, Österreich.

Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness"
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness"
Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness" Saltcave, Saltcavern, Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness
"Grota solna, Spa, Salzgrotte, salzgrotten, Wellness"